Thursday, September 06, 2007

Birthday Girl

Well, I've caught up with my three aunts - 29 years old! One group of students took me to a coffee shop for dessert (anything to get out of class!), my cross-country gave me notes, a piece of cake, a birthday hat, and doused me with water from our water relay (Fun Friday!)! Unbeknownst to me, a colleague snapped this picture while watching our Fun Friday relay day. I was modeling correct form (can't you tell??) for the backwards kick race... however, I seem to resemble a streaker in a cock-eyed hat who forgot the key step to streaking! Other than that, the photo is a fairly good representation of Coach Barrigar at cross-country practices - mouth wide open shouting something, at times comprehensible, at times not!

Friday night my fellow head coach and soon-to-be mommy, Jaci, held a birthday party for me, complete with snacks, cupcakes and ice cream, and good friends. On Saturday and Sunday, Ange, Chantal, Roni, Kirstin, and I made a run for Seoul, where we shopped, ate exotic foods (too exotic for some), and danced la salsa. ¡IncreĆ­ble!

I'm ready for that next birthday - BRING IT!!! (but not right now... I can wait the required amount of time!)

Enjoy more birthday pix:

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